Keepsafe Photo Vault
Control your privacy
Locks down private photos, videos, files and documents.
Join millions who trust Keepsafe
Photo Vault.
Hide and secure personal items. Back-up photos with cloud storage. Save space on your phone. Invite friends to protected, shared albums.
PIN-code password protection
Fingerprint or Touch ID
Military-grade encryption

- 200 photos
- PIN locking screen
- Fingerprint or Touch ID
- Facedown lock
- 10,000 photos
- PIN locking screen
- Fingerprint or Touch ID
- Facedown lock
- Restore deleted files
- Track break-in attempts
- Save phone space
Keepsafe Calculator
Photo Vault with a decoy app icon and the same privacy and security features. Hide secret pictures so they won’t be exposed in your photo gallery.

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Keepsafe Photo Vault & Keepsafe Calculator Vault
Keepsafe Photo Vault and Keepsafe Calculator Vault are photo storage apps that securely store private photos and videos behind password-protected PIN codes. Keepsafe’s photo lockers provide photo backup with cloud storage. The private vaults are also the best way to share photos with select friends and family. No matter how personal your pictures and videos are, keep your private moments safe and in your control with Keepsafe’s secret photo vaults.