Finding a good job has never been easy, but now it’s harder than ever. Applications flood every online posting, and adding yours to the mix can feel like tossing your resume into the wind. It’s a shame, because you’re great, and if you could just get to the interview stage, your greatness would become obvious and you’d stand a much better chance at getting hired.
So how can you land that elusive interview?
Do your homework. There’s the “spray and pray” approach, applying to every job you see no matter where it is, what it is, or what it pays. Don’t do that. Take time with every cover letter, reworking it and your resume so that they address the job requirements. Include keywords that appear in the job description. Busy recruiters will be much more likely to pick your application out of the stack.
Network. (Introverts: Take a few deep breaths, remember that you can do this, then, network.) Talk to your friends and family, put out feelers on social media. Having a human connection to a company, even if it’s just the Facebook friend of a Facebook friend, immediately increases your chances.
Do informational interviews. (Introverts: You can do this!) Find people who do jobs that interest you and take them out for coffee. Ask them questions about themselves and their jobs. You’ll gain valuable knowledge and get practice talking about yourself and making a great impression. Maybe the next time a job opens up, or they hear of a similar job elsewhere, your interviewees will think of you.
Write thank-you notes. Because we’re living in a society.
What if you find the perfect job in another city? Or you just want to move to another city but need to find a job there?
That’s where we come in. With Keepsafe Unlisted you can choose a temporary phone number with the same area code as the company to which you’re applying. Include that number on your resume, leave out your address, and spare yourself from immediately getting tossed in the “No” pile by a harried recruiter who doesn’t even want to think about an out-of-state hire.
Of all second phone number apps, Unlisted has the best area code availability, with numbers covering the U.S. and Canada. It’s easy to set up and use, and you can cancel it anytime. Customize your voicemail, use call forwarding, send texts and make calls from the temporary number. Subscribe or prepay for new lines, texts, and call minutes.
While you’re at it, you can use Unlisted to increase your mobile security. Use your private phone number with people you trust and burner numbers for buying and selling things online, dating, waiting for tables at restaurants, etc.
Wondering how much information is already tied to your phone number?
Try My Number Lookup. Text the free service “Hello” from your phone number and get back a free report of all the public information tied to it. Your full name and address could be out there, but so might your age, gender, and the names of people close to you.