Every freelancer and small-business owner knows how hard it is to keep professional life and personal life separate. When you work for yourself, it’s too easy to take your work home with you, take it on vacation, even take it into your dreams at night.
We don’t know how to stop the naked presentation nightmares (are we the only ones who have those?), but we know exactly how to help you establish a boundary between your business and your personal life.
With Keepsafe Unlisted, you can choose a permanent second number for your business and save your primary phone number for close friends and family. Using your primary mobile device, make and receive client calls, texts, and photos through our reliable VoIP service. With features like call forwarding and custom voicemail, it’s easy to set up, subscribe or pre-pay, and you can cancel anytime. Set your business number to ring only during business hours, and become more present in your personal life.
Need a temporary phone number?
Keepsafe Unlisted is also a burner app, so you don’t need to go out and buy a separate burner phone to get a short-term phone number. With your primary mobile device, pick phone numbers from any area code in the U.S. or Canada. Use a burner phone number to buy and sell stuff online, or any time you meet a new acquaintance. If you happen to run into a creep, or organization of creeps who want to sell your data to a third party, you won’t be revealing your private phone number or your true identity. Your personal space will stay safe.
Wondering how much information is already tied to your primary phone number?
Get a free report by using My Number Lookup. We’ll scan the web for all of the publicly and commercially available information tied to your number, and we’ll text you the results. Your age, gender, full name, address, previous addresses, even the names of people close to you, could all show up.
By using our Keepsafe Unlisted second phone number app, you can protect personal information from clients, business acquaintances, and anyone else who just doesn’t need to know where you live or the names of your loved ones. Remember: no matter your business, your privacy is also your business.
And Keepsafe’s business is helping you protect your privacy.
Protect your privacy with the other members in our family of privacy apps:
Keepsafe Browser lets you search without fear. In private and incognito mode, use secret browser tabs that delete all browsing activity. Turn on tracker blockers to stop all tracking by ads, social networks, analytics and content services.
Keepsafe VPN protects your phone when you use public WiFi hotspots in cafes, airports, and hotels. Our VPN app shields personal data by creating an encrypted tunnel for your Internet activity and hiding your location, so you can browse any site from anywhere.
Keepsafe Photo Vault with Keepsafe Calculator securely stores photos and videos in photo lockers behind password-protected PIN codes. People with Android phones can hide pictures with our decoy Calculator app icon. Backup your photos with the best cloud storage, and share photos with select friends and family.
App Lock, our phone security app for Android devices, easily lets you lock apps to control your phone privacy. Use App Lock’s Fingerprint ID, PIN-code or lock pattern to make sure that your texts and chats, emails, photos and videos stay secure.